Saturday, December 06, 2014

future crime

and your looking like that
as though and then the tides
the tides that come as if another
did not yet exist wait wait stop
one would cry from the time
machine no wait for it cannot be long until
all this is borne down subsumed
where you will
have no visa no right or rightly
with this think and think
again what and wherefore for this moment
will pass deeper in the crystal
feel the shapes that will become
when you wake to the horror
that passeth for excitation
of the merest the most perfunctory
but not one no was missed
or stayed or neglected all these
crimes were duly dutifully shouldered
to the wheel of list and lissome lust
too late then for any of it
now only the exploding debris
to be plucked from the mud
by the avid little fingers
of the light



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