Saturday, November 28, 2009

in even avenues of love

(this takes only a moment
but gives you increased capabilities)

if the grain is kept straight
.............................and held so
with conviction and compass
then the mere will allow
that across to the felds a wife
....................or what or wifwhat

eek from afar as though even song
through water................was sprung
imagine more then than a water wife

who bounds o'er dark floods
her entire head now bubbled & hove to
the variance of a new North

upholded there in such sea hills
staymates and thwarts

(press this button once only)

the attack the attack
..............................least of all
in the smallest things O some new chaos

.......................rupt the night
in which we look
Oh therein his earnest helm and heck

as though there were no none of it
ugh yes no nonce of the word of it eating of it
"no longer any mouth to put it in"

pshaw! now nothing is to be done

07762 888118
anyone with the answer
please call before morning


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