Friday, October 02, 2015

/ˈmæs.ə.kə(ɹ)/ of the lullababy (work in digress)

this dyad is found deep—Wikipedia
so I says says I—Ireland
that even those who assert that everything
is predestined ... look both ways
before they cross the street—Stephen Hawking

from the pictures it looks

—animals in other language [a look of]
animate of dysnumber
dogs in/of the farflung
frequentative of barbarossa .......................babararian
such ack specialist ack Greek Heterodox ach diet so axo saxo
Fama romance-god of rumour thereby war and the war-floor
and of and unto and the saline

with the SER and HIS residues required to form—

of the hedgegrows and hedgegogs then
are we—rossa.rosa.eschscholzia
rooted deep through viral floors
of Tom All Alone's 
in its very rooking of us we stand parled (parled)

linebroken as dyads.]states the interstitiate]

also “the head of a newly killed stag
the promiscuous slaughter of many who can
/ˈmæs.ə.kə(ɹ)/ O schwaaaaa
(obsolete) Murder—Gothic-vocative 𐌼𐌰𐌹𐍄𐌰𐌽

(the unidentified in all space exerted
by the unreadable cumulative
of the unbigenough for measure 

-O lullababa no

what now do we not know


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