Saturday, October 17, 2015


the sky, look
for an instant
they hold



put to
the question
snakes the way and long


older by an idiot (Immaterial Culture) (unfinished otherwise overfinished)(high, heeled posture and bearing)

In September 2006, the U.S. government announced 
it had moved Mohammed—Wikipedia 

[seemingly its entire being in lordus though its vocal response so monomoraic as to appear pulse or spike of the silence which surrounded it than any genuine phonology merely a swell or gathering in of the tacit a rousing almost but not quite a wakening into true utterance]

—the second sunday in june 1144 the first dedication of the arch gothic

(2015, 9/11: 111 people killed when a crawler crane collapses in Mecca during preparations for the Hajj
an inquiry is ordered, presumably into the mysteries of predestiny and the mind of Allah.urgent also numerology)

{In 1912 a group of women calling itself the Heterodoxy begins to convene a Feminist luncheon symposium (one supposes) this association for unorthodox women includes prominent lesbians and will meet regularly in Greenwich Village until the 1940s]

—oh this antipodean retroussé of the language oh it I will not have?¿albeits pointing up of the question innate to every word—'for'

(Every animal is sad after coitus except the human female and the rooster—Galen)

instance the Nazi side-co-opting of astika and nastika

(oh god I want to hidemy side issuesin the useful penumbra of yours ...)
(my side issues forth(in and of itself)In and Of

there are messages come through at long the needle
flickering (ectogasm)

forms around the mouth of the silent --------- between us now declared

older by an idiot
gentlemen, a mystery has been committed—The Goons
in bowls of unspoiled human juice

is that you whose presence so frightful
vague in the evenings in the autumn is that you (who does he mean-
spirited are they both and full of sire

who does he?

who does he imagine how that turns
her vocalization her rhotacism her R-marinaded vowels
revealing a febrile eek tenuous wheel upon the air as one
mid-splutter after a breathing (a wreathing) of smokewater
boarded 183 times (gave up not the goods)

put to T h e Q u e s t i o n

..........................and long)


Tuesday, October 06, 2015

Walter Sickert on late Monet:

‘I feel no need to pass out before a pond.’


Sunday, October 04, 2015

Act boldly, and unseen forces will come to your aid—Dorothea Brande


Saturday, October 03, 2015

225,386 people 
were killed 
with firearms 
in the US 
between 2007 and 2013

(keep it quiet
and act
like it didn't happen)


Friday, October 02, 2015


a mother makes up
songs for her baby—
cradling her thoughts


/ˈmæs.ə.kə(ɹ)/ of the lullababy (work in digress)

this dyad is found deep—Wikipedia
so I says says I—Ireland
that even those who assert that everything
is predestined ... look both ways
before they cross the street—Stephen Hawking

from the pictures it looks

—animals in other language [a look of]
animate of dysnumber
dogs in/of the farflung
frequentative of barbarossa .......................babararian
such ack specialist ack Greek Heterodox ach diet so axo saxo
Fama romance-god of rumour thereby war and the war-floor
and of and unto and the saline

with the SER and HIS residues required to form—

of the hedgegrows and hedgegogs then
are we—rossa.rosa.eschscholzia
rooted deep through viral floors
of Tom All Alone's 
in its very rooking of us we stand parled (parled)

linebroken as dyads.]states the interstitiate]

also “the head of a newly killed stag
the promiscuous slaughter of many who can
/ˈmæs.ə.kə(ɹ)/ O schwaaaaa
(obsolete) Murder—Gothic-vocative 𐌼𐌰𐌹𐍄𐌰𐌽

(the unidentified in all space exerted
by the unreadable cumulative
of the unbigenough for measure 

-O lullababa no

what now do we not know
