Friday, June 10, 2011

sargasso gas with eel

typewriter red wine lightshade full of dead flies
fedora heroin braces paper morse code
rubber leather wetsuit imminent disaster
tarot leaflets in the mail something roadblock
somewhere up ahead on the dark road hipflask
gay sex porphyry poppers theatre drunkenness
collapsed on a bridge injured wallpaper old English
peeling yellow-amber it's late not any more it's
early the French were involved like in Vietnam
their foreign legion warriors all coated in olive oil
laughing as the shells came down from the hills
gymnopedies physical punishment stetson John B
dongle suicide mere escapades of steam save now
save scooters vacation fall next stop 6 Joe did you
ever read Homer pull-out bed soap opera human slime
grease of the field Snap-On Tools an upset veneer
inlay starfish round-eyes sea potato one must get
a potato clock chicken of the woods bonfire climber
boys in the rain sea-purple the sea beams wine dark
a joy in large sockets of night the bilges again full
of oil can anyone reveal this black and shiny it looks
back when you look walnut frenzy disaster of the lulz

laughter from somewhere down the corridor
palm wallpaper creak all the right shoes stolen
beer in the hollows
a fan running down


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