Saturday, January 10, 2009

spotting on clomid

technology is beginning to work—Steve Jones

may binge the adrenaline after................................ all for his maximum recommended
draught no less..................................he speaks after/years/the mother does not appear..............hexagram 23

[there she lists/sheds/trims in the coastal volta unearthed]

......................................................[and viagra a fervent singularity] .............[Ur Nammu already a historian][such to steroids]
[you may have been rare]

of sudden ..........................laments that he will after all be unable
hearing mourn his father before his death
purely chymical ............. I found orgone accumulators overstated & finally

un-Reichian/Captain.....................................[got him on food & drugs
Clark welcomes you to disembark...................he dies soon in gaol]
to submit to baptism//au baptême
on the deck of Titanic a reported insufficiency of life [these were mares' nests & the mares
......................................................were even then at home] at this abrupt littoral
........................................................................she heard now bells from the fog evil magical creatures sprang bells from the ocean paraded there
.......................................................all night before her on a wet headland/at the buoy's moan/the wind's kick/ ghostly wooden scotch hands


...........................................................for the pattering of glazes/aprons/flours
...........................................................whirled aloft. no sex in any of it. tiny hoof
...........................................................prints shook in the butter overnight. such
...........................................................of a turbulence it is. the dark boy at the
...........................................................corner. the Blitz then? transfigured

.......................... in its gathering clamour............................................... all of them. spate. danced so. to a jewes trumpe
...........................she is Femtocell.................................................................and Thermobus.
.......................... demdike devices clear on bright. ..........................................Hill
.......................... sides squat the gorse. his wings not
.......................... now in the ordinary .........................................................spectrum.

ordinary—po: a splitting apart entartete kunst. ......................................freetown.(axis)

//so at morning on 23rd ...........................................................................the kitchen flag violated flapping art in its own .............................................................................smel that this Geillies Duncane did goe before them........................... playing uppon a ..................................this reill or daunce, small trumpe//

now after all of it
bring us quickly all that you have


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