Saturday, September 22, 2007

Kenosis 9/11

World in which he hangs

empty of everything
but wind
and light

this falling one
will never now hit the ground,
slide pins into holes,
complete the circuit

invisible above him
the rent through which he dropped

a dream that crept
at night
over the sky

behold the man
caught halfway from heaven
forever digitized, unknowable:

close up he vanishes
in pixel and light

the sacrificial anode
crackles blue with stasis
all the long night
a dying bird
a conscientious objector
in wartime
on the wire

a frozen prayer
pinned to the sky's mouth


1 comment:

J.R.Pearson said...

I have to tell u Steve, i agree wuth Pam on this one. I liked the syndoche 'behold' running the poem. Refocusing our attention on the diff diamond like aspects of the falling man.