Monday, January 25, 2010

the aeroplane birth of some slight nations

even unladen a toilet in the West is roughly egg shaped from above
while from below it looks like a cabriole leg with elephantiasis

rendered in the wide white smooth coral of private parts
that skirmish in the mouth like the Roman porcelanosa pretty pig

O this in itself could explain some of the monstrous births
that have littered the playing fields of Europe since 1916 and

what would you do if while slicking it to glory across the mudflaps
suddenly a thick and non-local hybrid of birdlife eschscholtzia grabbed at your crotch?

this could make you re-examine the entire history
under which you had calabashed for so long

no maybe no but nothing ever even in the snow survives past infancy
while there is a flute at the Eastern Wall crying for sleep


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